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Object Pool Design Pattern


The Object Pool pattern is like having a team of reusable minions on standby, ready to jump into action whenever you need them. Instead of creating a new minion every time a task comes up (which can be expensive), you just grab one from your existing crew, have it do the job, and then send it back to the break room until the next mission. This is especially handy when creating and destroying objects takes a lot of time or resources—think database connections, network connections, or any other heavyweight object that doesn’t like to be tossed around.

In Ruby, the Object Pool pattern works just like this. You create a pool of objects, and whenever your program needs one, it borrows it from the pool. When it's done, the object goes back into the pool, ready to be reused, saving you from the constant overhead of creating and destroying objects over and over again. It's like having a stash of pre-made sandwiches in your fridge; you don't need to make a fresh one every time you’re hungry, just grab one, enjoy, and when you’re ready for the next snack, you’ll have more waiting for you.

Let’s jump into an example:

Imagine you’re running a high-demand coffee shop (but in code form). You’ve got baristas (connections) who are ready to serve customers (execute queries). Instead of hiring a new barista every time someone wants coffee, you’ll have a fixed number of baristas who can serve, and after each service, they’ll go back and wait for the next order.

Here's how we’d code it:

class Connection
  attr_accessor :id

  def initialize(id)
    @id = id
    puts "Creating connection with ID: #{@id}"

  def execute(query)
    puts "Executing query '#{query}' on connection #{@id}"

  def close
    puts "Closing connection #{@id}"

class ConnectionPool
  attr_accessor :connections, :size

  def initialize(size)
    @connections = []
    @size = size

  def populate_pool
    @size.times do |i|
      @connections << + 1)

  def acquire
    connection = @connections.pop
    puts "Acquired connection #{}"

  def release(connection)
    @connections << connection
    puts "Released connection #{}"

# Example usage
pool =

# Acquire connections from the pool
conn1 = pool.acquire
conn2 = pool.acquire
conn3 = pool.acquire

# Use connections
conn1.execute("SELECT * FROM users")
conn2.execute("SELECT * FROM products")
conn3.execute("SELECT * FROM orders")

# Release connections back to the pool

What's Happening Here?

  • Connection: This is like one of our baristas (a database connection, in this case). Each connection has an ID, and when called upon, it can execute queries and close up shop when it’s done.
  • ConnectionPool: This is the manager of our baristas. It maintains a pool of Connection objects, ready to serve at a moment’s notice. When a customer needs service (you need a database connection), it hands over a barista from the pool. When the job's done, the barista is sent back to the pool to wait for the next customer.

Why Use the Object Pool Pattern?

This pattern shines when the cost of creating new objects is significant. Imagine opening and closing a database connection every time you want to run a query—overhead quickly adds up. With an object pool, you recycle these objects, cutting down on the overhead and boosting performance. It’s like reducing the line at your coffee shop by reusing the same baristas instead of constantly hiring new ones.

In this example, we started with three connections. You acquired them (or grabbed your three trusty baristas) and then released them back to the pool once their work was done. All the while, your system ran smoothly without having to repeatedly create and destroy objects.

Fun Fact: Ruby’s Secret Object Pool

Did you know that Ruby itself is quietly using an Object Pool behind the scenes? Most objects in Ruby live on something called the "Ruby heap." When you create a new object, it’s assigned a slot in this heap. If all the slots are taken, Ruby triggers its trusty garbage collector to sweep away unused objects and free up space. It’s like Ruby's version of cleaning up after a busy day at the coffee shop to make sure there’s always room for the next customer!

This is Ruby’s way of managing memory and making sure your program doesn’t get bogged down by endless object creation and destruction. Even Ruby’s garbage collector uses principles similar to the Object Pool pattern—keeping resources available for reuse instead of constantly generating new ones.

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